AI Café 2024
The AI Café is moderated by Dr. Nora Schleich and hosted by Prof. Dr. Christoph Schommer and members of his research group MINE, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, Technology, and Medicine, University of Luxembourg
Why the AI Café ?
The AI Café is intended to be a meeting place where discussions and critical thinking are possible and where citizens will have the opportunity to enter into dialogue with experts. In addition, citizens should also be encouraged to contribute to the topic of AI themselves. In this sense, the AI Café defines a cycle from expert to citizen (debates) and from citizen to expert (AI competition).
Program / Debates
- the entrance of the Auditoire Henri Beck is located at * 2, Rue Genistre *, opposite the entrance of the Cité Bibliothèque. The *Rue genistre* is the small street on the left (opposite the façade) of the main entrance of the building. Go to the 5th floor! We start at 18h00. Admission is possible from 17h30. Please be there on time such we can start right in time.
- Please note that there will be 2 polls where you will have to answer the debate question yourself at the beginning (poll 1) and at the end (poll 2). For this reason, we have prepared some ballots which we ask you to fill in by ticking YES or NO.
- The evening will be shaped primarily by your participation. Please ask questions! This is what the event thrives on! The evening will then end around 19h40.
- At the end of the evening, we will ask you for feedback (feedback letters, micro-trottoirs). Please help out!
- Finally, as the debate series is kindly supported by FNR and the deadline for project submission is early October, please indicate if we should repeat this project in 2024.
Monday, 30 September, 18h00 - 19h45
AI for the labour market : blessing or curse?
Please register here
- Prof. Dr. Patrick Glauner, ex-CERN, Deggendorf Institute of Technology. AI R&D | Executive and Political Advisor | Quantum Computing
- Evangelia Markidou, European Commission, Head of Sector - Excellence in AI & Robotics, European AI Office
- Prof. Dr. Philip Treleaven, Director of UK Financial Computing Centre at University College London
Wednesday, 30 October, 18h00 - 19h45
Will Generative AI really support Education/Training, Creativity and the like?
Please register here:
- Dr. Thibaud Latour, CEO LMDCC - Luxembourg Media & Digital Design Centre
- Dr. Isabell Eva Baumann, Research Scientist for Digital Education & Research, LUCET, University of Luxembourg.
- Egberdien van der Peijl, Prompt engineering for creative writing, Artist, Luxembourg.
- Eric Tobias, Computer Science Teacher at Lycée des Arts et Métiers, Luxembourg.
Thursday, 21 November, 18h00 - 19h45
EU AI Act: Will implementation succeed?
Please register here
- Yasaman Yousefi, PhD candidate, Doctoral School on Law, Science, and Technology at University of Bologna + University of Luxembourg
- Prof. Dr. Philippe Poirier, Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche en études parlementaires chez Université du Luxembourg
- Dr. Sophie Klecker, Ministry of Economy
Program /AI Competition
Please remind that the final event takes place at Auditoire Cité, Cercle Cité, Auditoire Cité (ca. 175 seats)
We invite all citizens of Luxembourg to submit innovative ideas on the topic of AI. This can be a visionary idea related to the development of an AI-based solution, a demonstration of a robotic system, optimisation proposals, suggestions for improvement, and so on.
It is important that the submissions are original and that they can be explained and justified by the project staff of the respective team.
We are particularly interested in pupils from schools and students.
The entries submitted will be assessed by a jury of experts.
The best 6 entries will qualify for the evening event on 3 December, where the entries will be presented live and in person.
The prizes are 2000 Euro, 1500 Euro and 1000 Euro for places 1-3
Start : September 2024 - Submission Deadline: 5 November 2024
Evening Show : 3 December 18h00
Submit your idea in English and in the form of a short report
- Title of your proposal
- Short description of your proposal (abstract) of up to 2 pages (A4, Arial 11pt)
- Some explaining words why you think that this is innovative
- Declaration that you are willing to present your idea in the evening show (3 December) in case you are selected by the jury
List of Jury Members
Dr. Andreas Braun
Director Artificial Intelligence & Data Science at PwC Luxembourg
Dr. Jean Botev
Research Scientist, Head of the Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Lab, University of Luxembourg
Dr. Siwen Guo
Research, PhD | NLP | Machine Learning | Neural Networks | AI at Zortify Luxembourg
Dr. Salima Lamsiyah
Postdoctoral Researcher | Natural Language Processing | Machine Learning | Generative AI, University of Luxembourg
Dr. Aida Nazari
Founder & COO at LuxAI S.A.
Misch Strotz
Building AI to which people can add themselves at LetzAI | CEO & Co-Founder at Neon Internet