Summer 2025 (44th semester)
187: AI for Education (4 ECTS). Semester 6, Bachelor Academic in Computer Science (BICS, 60h)
186: Data Science (4 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor in Computer Science (BINFO, 30h)
185: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, (5 ECTS). Semester 2, Academic Master in Information and Computer Sciences (MICS, 45h).
Winter 2024/25 (43rd semester)
( Forensics : Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. Invited course at the Police of Luxembourg. 6 teaching units. )
184: Applications of AI 30 teaching units (4 ECTS). Master in Computer Science.
- AI for the Medicine, Bachelor in Medicine: Introduction à l'examen clinique, 2 teaching units, Bachelor of Medicine.
183: Data Science (5 ECTS), 28 teaching units. Master of Mathematics.
182: Advanced Data Analytics 20 teaching units. Master in Finance.
181: Databases (5 ECTS). 42 teaching units, Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics (BINFO).
Summer 2024 (42nd semester)
180: Data Science for Humanities (4 ECTS). Semester 6, Bachelor Academic in Computer Science. With colleagues of the Dept of Humanities + C2DH.
179: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4, Bachelor Professionelle en Informatique.
178: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, (5 ECTS). Semester 2, Academic Master in Information and Computer Sciences (MICS).
177: Elements of AI (2h). Online Course organised by University of Helsinki and Dr. Sana Nouzri (UL).
Winter 2023/24 (41st semester)
176: Machine Learning Applications 30 teaching units (4 ECTS). 2 November - 20 December 2023 (MICS, 3rd semester).
175: Generative AI for the Arts. Guest lecture at the University of Sevilla. 23 November 2023.
174: AI for the Medicine, Bachelor in Medicine: Introduction à l'examen clinique, 2 teaching units, 11 October 2023.
173: Data Science (5 ECTS), 28 teaching units. Master of Mathematics.
172: Advanced Data Analytics 20 teaching units. Master in Finance, University of Luxembourg.
171: Databases (5 ECTS). 42h, Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics (BINFO).
Summer 2023 (40th semester)
170: Common lecture with Manuela Naveau, Kunstuniversität Linz and Ars Electronica Linz: Critical Data and Data Science (10h).
169: Elements of AI 1 March 2023, 2h.
168: Data Science for Humanities (4 ECTS). Semester 6, Bachelor Academic in Computer Science. With colleagues of the Dept of Humanities + C2DH.
167: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4, Bachelor Professionelle en Informatique.
166: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, (5 ECTS). Semester 2, Academic Master in Information and Computer Sciences (MICS).
Winter 2022/23
165: Machine Learning for Art Production. Doctoral Workshop. 28 November 2022.
164: Innovation in Art History for interdisciplinary research. Doctoral Workshop (Supervisor). January 2023. Performed by Egberdien van der Peijl.
163: Machine Learning (4 ECTS) with focus on AI&Arts. 7 November - 19 December 2022. Common course with FU Berlin "Machine LEarning" in cooperation with Prof. Tim Landgraf (FU Berlin) and as part of the Framework Agreement with FU Berlin.
162: AI + Future of Living 2h (lecture), 11 November 2022, Master in Philosophy, 'AI and Philosophy', University of Luxembourg.
161: AI for the Medicine, 2h (Guest lecture), 30 September 2022, Bachelor in Medicine: Introduction à l'examen clinique, Semester 3, University of Luxembourg.
160: Data Science 12h, Master in Finance, University of Luxembourg. ( Natural Language Processing (4 ECTS). 28h, Semester 5, Bachelor in Computer Science. Delegated to Dr. Salima Lamsiyah. )
159: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). 20h, Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS).
158: Data Science (5 ECTS), 28h Semester 3, Master of Mathematics.
157: Database Management I (5 ECTS). 42h, Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics (BINFO).
Summer 2022
156: Selected Aspect of Artificial Intelligence. 20h, Invited Guest Lecture at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). 10 - 16 August 2022. See Booklet/Workshop:
155: Data Science for Humanities (4 ECTS). Semester 6, Bachelor Academic in Computer Science. With colleagues from Dept of Humanities + C2DH.
154: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4, Bachelor Professionelle en Informatique.
153: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, (5 ECTS). Semester 2, Academic Master in Information and Computer Sciences (MICS).
Winter 2021/22
152: AI + Future of Living 2h (lecture), 3 December 2021, Master in Philosophy, 'AI and Philosophy', University of Luxembourg.
151: AI for the Medicine, 2h (lecture), 1 October 2021, Bachelor in Medicine, University of Luxembourg.
150: Information Retrieval 10h, 4 October - 25 October, Master in Finance, University of Luxembourg.
149: Natural Language Processing (4 ECTS). 28h, Semester 5, Bachelor in Computer Science.
148: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). 20h, Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS).
147: Data Science (5 ECTS), 28h Semester 3, Master of Mathematics.
146: Database Management I (5 ECTS). 42h, Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics (BINFO).
Summer 2021
145: NLP in Action (30h, 3 ECTS). Seminar. Freie Universität Berlin..
144: Selected Aspect of Artificial Intelligence. 20h, Guest Lecture at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). 15 - 19 Feburary 2021.
143: Data Science for Humanities (4 ECTS). 30h, Semester 6, Bachelor Academic in Computer Science.
142: Database Management II (4 ECTS). 45h, Semester 4, Bachelor Professionelle en Informatique.
141: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 20h (5 ECTS). Semester 2, Academic Master in Information and Computer Sciences (MICS).
Winter 2020/21
140: Machine Learning, ISM Space Master.
139: Natural Language Processing (4 ECTS). Semester 5, BICS.
138: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS).
137: Data Science (5 ECTS), Semester 3, Master of Mathematics.
136: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics (BINFO).
Summer 2020
135: Information Retrieval (3 ECTS). Seminar. Freie Universität Berlin. 14 - 18 September 2020 (28h). Vorbesprechung: 1 September 2020, 10h00. Where. Takustr 9, SR 049.
134: Selected Aspect of Artificial Intelligence. Guest Lecture at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). 1 - 5 June 2020.
133: Philosophy of Mind: about Mice, Men, and Machines. (2 ECTS), Doctoral Programme (by Antonio Bikic, Adriano Mannino). 2 - 6 March 2020.
132: Data Science for Humanities (4 ECTS). Semester 6, Bachelor Academic in Computer Science.
131: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4, Bachelor Professionelle en Informatique.
130: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. (5 ECTS). Semester 2, Academic Master in Information and Computer Sciences (MICS).
Winter 2019/20
129: Natural Language Processing (5 ECTS). Guest Lecture at Freie University Berlin. 5 November 2020 - 25 February 2021.
128: Machine Learning (4 ECTS). Semester 3. ISM Space Master.
127: Minds and Machines: Cognitive Science, AI, and Education. Doctoral Workshop (2 ECTS). With Prof Pedro Cardoso-Leite, Dr Siwen Guo, Dr Dominick Mussack (all UL) and Prof Constantin Rothkopf (TU Darmstadt), Prof Paul Schrater (U Minnesota). 10-14 Feburary 2020.
126: Natural Language Processing (4 ECTS). Semester 5, BICS. With Dr Sviatlana Hoehn.
125: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS).
124: Machine Learning (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). With Dr Vladimir Despotovic.
123: Data Science (5 ECTS), Semester 3, Master of Mathematics.
122: Artificial Intelligence (6 ECTS). Contribution to this course at Freie University Berlin; 9+10 September and 18+19 September; with Prof Christoph Benzmueller.
121: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics (BINFO).
Summer 2019
120: Selected Aspect of Artificial Intelligence. Guest Lecture at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). 3 - 7 June 2019.
119: Artificial Intelligence (6 ECTS). Guest Lecture at Freie University Berlin. 15-19 July 2019 (block course).
118: Natural Language Processing. Training for IT-Members of the EU Commission.
117: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4, Bachelor Professionelle en Informatique.
116: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. (5 ECTS). Semester 2, Academic Master in Information and Computer Sciences (MICS).
Winter 2018/19
115: Natural Language Processing. Training for IT-Members of the EU Commission.
114: Information Retrieval (3 ECTS). Seminar. Freie Universität Berlin. 19 November 2018 - 29 November 2019 (30h). Vorbesprechung: 15 October 2018. Erasmus+ Grant.
113: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS).
112: Machine Learning (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS) - with Dr Sviatlana Hoehn.
111: Data Science (5 ECTS), Semester 3, Master of Mathematics.
110: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics (BINFO; with Dr Joshgun Sirajzade).
Summer 2018
109: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2, Academic Master in Information and Computer Sciences (MICS).
108: Knowledge Discovery (6 ECTS). Invited Guest Lecture. University Potsdam, Institute of Computer Science. 9 April - 9 July.
107: Artificial Intelligence (5 ECTS). Invited Guest Lecture. Freie Universität Berlin. 15 May - 12 June.
Winter 2017/18
106: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS).
105: Machine Learning (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS).
104: Data Science (5 ECTS), Semester 3, Master of Mathematics + Master of Economy and Entrepreneurship.
103: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics (BINFO; with Prof Martin Theobald).
Summer 2017
102: Workshop "Text Mining" (2 days, 16h; 1 ECTS). With Prof Gilles, Dr Purschke. Doctoral Training Unit DHH.
101: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4, Bachelor Professionelle en Informatique (BINFO; with Prof Martin Theobald).
100: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2, Academic Master in Information and Computer Sciences (MICS). --: Summer School / LEONARDO program of the University of Luxembourg.
Winter 2016/17
99: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics (BINFO).
98: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS).
97: Machine Learning (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS).
96: Data Science (5 ECTS), Semester 3, Master of Mathematics.
Summer 2016
95: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Informatics. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
94: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
93: Winter School "Digital Humanities" (15.-19.2.) Slot: "Data Science": February 16, 2016. University of Luxembourg; DH Lab (Prof Fickers).
92: Data Science. Guest Lecture at Tsinghua University, Bejing, PR of China. June 27 - July 8, 2016 (Summer Term) --: Guest lecture at KMUTT Bangkok, Thailand (July 2016).
Winter 2015/16
91: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics (BINFO).
90: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS).
89: Machine Learning (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS).
88: Data Science (5 ECTS), Semester 3, Master of Mathematics. --: Guest Lecture About Data Science , University of Cologne, Germany (January 28, 2016)
Summer 2015
87: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Informatics. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
86: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
85: Introduction to Data Science. Guest Lecture at Tsinghua University, Bejing, PR of China. August 24 - September 5 2015 (Summer Term).
--: Guest Lecture at the Goethe-University of Frankfurt/Main. Algorithms for Data Privacy. July 9, 2015. Ringvorlesung: Entrepreneurship
Winter 2014/15
84: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
83: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
82: Machine Learning (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Summer 2014
81: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Informatics. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
80: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Winter 2013/14
79: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
78: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
77: Machine Learning (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Summer 2013
76: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Informatics. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
75: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
74:Recent Advances in Text Mining and Retrieval (1 ECTS). Doctoral School in Computer Science and Computer Engineering (DS-CSCE). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Winter 2012/13
73: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
72: Business Intelligence (4 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
71: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
70: Machine Learning (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Summer 2012
69: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Informatics. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
68: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Winter 2011/12
67: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
66: Business Intelligence (4 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
65: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
64: Machine Learning (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Summer 2011
63: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Informatics. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
62: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Winter 2010/11
61: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Informatics. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
60:Business Intelligence (4 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
59: Information Retrieval and Learning (2 ECTS). Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
58: Machine Learning (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Summer 2010
57: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
56: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Winter 2009/10
55: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
54: Business Intelligence (4 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
53: Intelligent Systems (6 ECTS). With R. Bisdorff, P. Bouvry, and L. van der Torre. Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
52: Machine Learning (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Summer 2009
51: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
50: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Winter 2008/09
49: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
48: Business Intelligence (4 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
47: Intelligent Systems (6 ECTS). With R. Bisdorff, P. Bouvry, and L. van der Torre. Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
46: Natural Language Processing and Text Mining (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
45: Applied Mining in Security (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Summer 2008
44: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
43: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Winter 2007/08
42: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
41: Scripting Languages (2 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
40: Information Visualization (2 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
39: Business Intelligence (4 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
38: Intelligent Systems (6 ECTS). With R. Bisdorff, P. Bouvry, and L. van der Torre. Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
37: Applied Mining in Security (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
36: Natural Language Processing and Text Mining (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Summer 2007
35: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
34: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
33: Data Mining (2 ECTS). Master of Science in Computational Sciences. Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Winter 2006/07
32: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
31: Scripting Languages (2 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
30: Information Visualization (2 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
29: Business Intelligence (4 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
28: Intelligent Systems (6 ECTS). With R. Bisdorff, P. Bouvry, and L. van der Torre. Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
27: Applied Mining in Security (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
26: Selected topics in AI (4 ECTS). With Leon van der Torre and Emil Weydert. Semester 3. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Summer 2006
25:Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
24: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (5 ECTS). Semester 2. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
23: Text Retrieval and Mining (2 ECTS). Diploma Programme in Computer Science, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Winter 2005/06
22: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
21: Scripting Languages (2 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
20: Information Visualization (2 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
19: Business Intelligence (4 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
18: Intelligent Systems (6 ECTS). With R. Bisdorff, P. Bouvry, and L. van der Torre. Semester 1. Master of Information and Computer Science (MiCS). Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Summer 2005
17: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
16: Data Mining (2 ECTS). Diploma Programme in Computer Science. Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Winter 2004/05
15: Database Management II (4 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
14: Scripting Languages (2 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
13: Information Visualization (2 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
12: Business Intelligence (4 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
Summer 2004
11: Database Management I (5 ECTS). Semester 4. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
10: Computer-based Learning (2 ECTS). Diploma Programme in Computer Science, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Winter 2003/04
9: Scripting Languages (2 ECTS). Semester 3. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
8: Information Visualization (2 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
7: Business Intelligence (4 ECTS). Semester 5. Professional Bachelor of Engineering. Dept. of Computer Science and Communication. University of Luxembourg.
6: Data Mining (2 ECTS). Diploma Programme in Computer Science. Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
BEFORE THE CREATION OF THE UNIVERSITY, Prof. Schommer gave the following courses:
Summer 2003
5: Medical Computer Science (2 ECTS). Diploma Programme in Computer Science, University of Potsdam, Germany.
4: Data Mining (2 ECTS). Diploma Programme in Computer Science. Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Winter 2002/03
3: Data Mining (2 ECTS). Diploma Programme in Computer Science, University of Potsdam, Germany.
2: Data Mining (2 ECTS). Diploma Programme in Computer Science. Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Summer 2002
1: Data Mining (2 ECTS). Diploma Programme in Computer Science. Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Germany.