

  • Dr. Salima Lamsiyah, Researcher in Natural Language Processing, ML

PhD candidates

  1. (Dr.) Daniel Karpati:"REMEDIS – Interdisciplinary Considerations and Consequences related to the Development of an AI-supported Medication Dispenser". (Defence : 6 March 2025)
  2. (Dr.) Yasaman Yousefi: Title : "The Quest to Fairness in Algorithmic Decisions: Ethical, Legal and Technical Solutions". University of Bologna. (Defence : 10 April 2025)
  3. (Dr.) Faria Ferooz: "Legal Knowledge Modelling of Medieval Manuscript of History of Law: Linked Open Data of Cultural Heritage". University of Bologna. (Defence : 10 April 2025)
  4. (Dr.) Nina Hossini-Kivanani. "Advancing Dementia Screening Through Handwriting Analysis and Data Augmentation: A Study of Off-Line and On-Line Drawing Tasks" (Defence : 4 April 2025).

  5. MSc. Ali Mert Gurkan: Distributed Ledger Technologies Beyond Financial Applications: eDemocracy and New Forms of Governance. LAST-JD Graduate School. co-tutuelle with University of Bologna, Prof. Monica Palmirani. Supervisor.
  6. MSc. Prince Yaw Gharbin. Creative historical Stories with Illustrations for Digital History, using Natural Language Processing and Deep/Machine learning models. Supervisor. / D4H - Deep Data Science of Digital History.
  7. MSc. Alejandro Raboso Campos (external PhD candidate; European Investment Bank). Artificial Intelligence for unstructured data analysis in fundamental value investments.
  8. MSc. Aria Nourbaksh : Artificially assisted collaboration with a chatbot for working and learning.

  9. Msc. Jingjing Xu: The research topic is to develop a leading knowledge-graph based question-answering (KG-QA) approach by combining the previous approaches for QA into one coherent framework. Co-Supervisor. Under main supervision of Prof. Pascal Bouvry.
  10. MSc. Tatjana Kaufman. Coding as source. co-supervisor. / D4H - Deep Data Science of Digital History. Main supervisor: Prof. Valêrie Schafer
  11. MSc. Paul Meder: BigTexts - A Distributed Graph Database for Large-Scale Text Analytics. co-supervision. Under main supervision of Prof. Martin Theobald.
  12. MSc. Giuseppe Pisano: Legal reasoning: argumentation and explanation. Under main supervision of Prof Leon van der Torre.
  13. MSc. Julia Göke. Cloud-Native Shared Authority: AI Enhanced Public Participation in Digital History. Main Supervision: Prof. Gerben Zaagsma, C2DH.
  14. MSc. Marta Sofia Rodrigues Oliveira : Joint embeddings of multi-model data for analyzing brain an cognition. Main Supervision: Prof. Jorge Goncalves, LCSB.
  15. MSc. Enora Renée Arth : A methodology for Subjective Handling Variable Analysis. Main Supervision : Dr. Roderick McCall, LIST.

Guest Researcher

  • Prof. Dr. Yolanda Spinola, Guest Professor, UNiversity of Sevilla , 18 April 2023 -30 November 2023.
  • Dr. Jessica Cavalaglio Camargo Molano, University Rome Uninettuno 1 April 2023 - 31 December 2023

Former PhD Candidates


  • Dr. Ekaterina Kamlovskaya (2021): Approaching Indigenous Australian History with Text Mining methods. DHH Graduate School).
  • Dr. Federico Galli (2021): The Unfair Commercial Practices Directive in the age of AI and personalization. University of Bologna, Italy - LAST-JD program)
  • Dr. Siwen Guo (2019): Deep Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis with Information Decay.
  • Dr. Winfried Höhn (2018): Semiautomatische Annotation von digitalisierten Altkarten.
  • Dr. Dimitrios Kampas (2016): "Topic Identification considering word order in Markov Chains".
  • Dr. Sviatlana Höhn (2016): "Data-driven repair models for text chat with language learners". Supervisor.
  • Dr. Mihail Minev (2014): "Feature Detection and Classification in Financial News".
  • Dr. Jayanta Poray (2012): "INACS -- An Intelligent and Adaptive Systems for Conversational Streams".
  • Dr. Sascha Kaufmann (2010): "CUBA -- Artificial Conviviality and User Behaviour Analysis".
  • Dr. Maria Biryukov (2010): "Methods of Extracting Meta-Information from Bibliographic Databases".
  • Dr. Michael Hilker (2008): "Network Security through Artificial Immunity with SANA".

Former Co-Supervisor, Member of the Defence Committee

  • Dr. Rachele Carli: Deception in social robotics: problematic profiles of human-robot interaction. Under main supervision of Prof Leon van der Torre.
  • Dr. Nima Nabizadeh, TU Berlin, Germany (17 April 2024).
  • Dr. Andreas Koukorinis (2024) : Machine Learning for High-Frequency Financial Time Series. University College London (External Reviewer)
  • Dr. Minh Vu Chau (2023): Constitutive modelling of nonlinear isotropic elasticity using deep regression neural networks. (Chairman of the defence; member of the CET). Under main supervision of Prof. Andreas Zilian.
  • Dr. Shohreh Haddadan: "Argumentation Mining in Political Debates". Under main supervision of Prof Leon van der Torre. Member of the Doctoral Training Unit DHH. Defence: 4 April 2022. Chair of the Defence.
  • Dr. Daniela Gierschek: "Automatic Detection of Emotions in Luxembourgish User Comments". Under main supervision of Prof Peter Gilles (Department. of Linguistics). Defence: 25 February 2022. Vice-Chair of the Defence.
  • Dr. Lucio Idone (2020, UC London, UK): Validation of trading strategies for the foreign exchange. Role: External Expert + Chairman of Defence.
  • Dr. Valentina Leone (2021) "Knowledge Patterns for the Privacy and data Protection domain: extraction and reuse". Co-Supervisor. Under main supervision of Prof Martin Theobald.
  • Dr. Eva Andersen (2021):"Psychiatric Associations in Europe (1842 - 1940). The Importance of Transnational Contacts for the Dissemination of Knowledge." Under main supervision of Prof Benoit Majerus, C2DH. Member of the Doctoral Training Unit DHH. Role: co-Supervisor and Chairman of Defence.
  • Dr. Denis de Montigny. Bayesian Networks for Asset Management and Financial Risk. External Expert and Chairman of Defence. UC London (2020)
  • Dr. Robert Mebenga Mbala"Transhumanisme: Une approche éthique philosophique des nouvelles biotechnologies de la transformation de l'être". Co-tutuelle, and under main supervision of Prof Lukas Sosoe (UL) and Prof Marc Maesschalck (Leuven). Role: co-Supervisor and Chair of the Defence.
  • Dr. Tahereh Pazouki (2019): "MaGrid – From Developing a Language-Neutral Learning Application to Predictive Learning Analytics". External Expert. Main Supervision: Prof Roman Martin and Prof Antoine Fischbach).
  • Dr. Max Kemman (2018): "Trading Zones of Digital History - Boundaries of Collaboration, Coordination, and Communication". External Expert. Main Supervision: Prof Andreas Fickers, C2DH.
  • Dr. Thorsten Doherr (2018): Disambiguation of Researchers Careers: Shifting the Perspective from Documents to Authors. Vice-Chairman of the Defense jury (Centre of Research in Economics and Management; Prof Katrin Hussinger).
  • Dr. Jiali Wang (2017): System Biology Approach Towards the oncogenic signaling in GISTs (Life Science Dept). Co-Supervisor and Chairman of the Defense jury (Prof Serge Haan).
  • Dr. Alessio Antonini (2016): FirstLife, building a technological platform for supporting urban networks and institutions cooperation in daily activities. External Reviewer and Member of the Defense jury. Departimenta di Informatica, Università di Torino (2016; Prof Guido Boella).
  • Dr. Florian Feltes (2016): Mitarbeiterführung und Social-Media-Nutzung im Führungsalltag von Generation-Y-Führungskräften - Eine Explorative Analyse mittels Mixed-Methods-Ansatz. Internal Reviewer and Vice-Chairman of the jury. Luxembourg (Prof Charles Max, SnT).
  • Dr. Martin Sewell (2016): "Application of Machine Learning to Financial Time Series Analysis". External Reviewer + Chairman of Defence; University College London, UK (Prof Philip Treleaven).
  • Dr. Llio Humphreys (2016): "Populating legal ontologies with information extraction based on semantic role labeling and text similarity". co-Supervisor and Chairman of Defense (Prof Leon van der Torre, Computer Science).
  • Dr. Andreas Chouliaras (2016): "Essays on the impact of information on Financial Markets: evidence from the European Financial Crisis". co-Supervisor (Prof Theoharry Grammatikos, Dept of Finance).
  • Dr. Denis Shirnin (2014): "Formalizing the twofold structure of a proactive system: Proof of concept on deterministic and probabilistic levels". co-Supervisor (Prof Denis Zampunieris, Computer Science).
  • Dr. Philippe Blanca (2014): "The scientific journal in the age of multimodality". co-Supervisor (with Dept of Education, Culture, Cognition, and Society; Prof Charles Max, SnT).
  • Dr. Cynthia Wagner (2012): "Security and Network monitoring based on Internet flow measurements". Chairman of the Defence Jury (Prof Thomas Engel, Computer Science + SnT).

Other former members

  • Prof. Dr. Joris Hulstijn, now Department of Information and Computing Sciences at University of Utrecht
  • Ivan Jacobs (resigned): Programmable and explainable Deep learning Target Discovery and solution generation.
  • Dr Vladimir Despotovic (Reseach Associate, PostDoc; 09/19 - 12/21)
  • Dr Joshgun Sirajzade Research Associate, PostDoc, STRIPS , DeepHouse (06/19 - 12/20)
  • Dr Julianna Stropp (PostDoc Researcher; 02/20 - 11/20) Taxon-Time. Marie Curie Fellowship (EU Programme).
  • Dr. Juliane Tatarinov (PostDoc Resarcher; 06/21 -11/21).
  • Dr Siwen Guo, PostDoc researcher (12/2019)
  • Dr. Dimitrios Kampas (06/2016)
  • Dr. Sviatlana Höhn (03/2016; 01/2018 - 08/2019)
  • Dr. Alejandro Correa Bahnsen (2012-2014)
  • Dr. Patrice Caire (11/2006 - 10/2007)
  • MSc. Aliona Codrean (2021)
  • Dipl.-Inf. Ralph Weires (04/2006 - 03/2008)
  • MSc. Ben Schroeder (10/2005 - 09/2007)

Master/Diploma Candidates


  • Dylan da Silva Moreiro: Finding That Irresistible Spark: AI-Driven Methods for Discovering and Generating Similar Music.
  • Akshata Tejas Karandikar: An Explainable Student Dropout Prediction Method through Fine-Tuning Large-Language Models in Federated Learning
  • Vlada Khomenko: An Explainable Book Recommendation Chatbot.
  • Noah Klopp: Predicting Student Performance: Modeling Exam Performance Based on Socioeconomic Factors (Reviewer)
  • Lionel Oliveira: LLM-Based Food Recommendation (with LUNEX - Higher Education Institution specialised in Health, Sports and Management).
  • Narman Sharma: Secure Image and Text Steganography using Deep Learning Networks.
  • Emad Kalantari Khalilabad (reviewer)
  • Alain Schuster (reviewer)


  • Akhil Satheesh: "Fine-tuning Large Language Model with Proximal Policy Optimization for Educational Question Generation"
  • Akruti Reikwar: "SES Standardization and Centralization for Strategic Insights"
  • Aswathy Kokkothil: "Enhancing Educational Question-Answering Systems: An Empirical Study of Large-Language Models with Retrieval-Augmented Generation"
  • Esada Licina: "Towards an Interactive and Explainable Ticketing Systems Leveraging Large Language Models"
  • Samuel Kom Sande: "Efficient Implementation of Sequential Pattern Algorithm on Large Data set"


  • Hamza Dovutbekov. Using ChatGPT and Dall-E for a new kind of Digital Storytelling.
  • Greeshma Menon. Songs to Lyrics Generation using Deep Learning Models. With Prince Gharbin (PhD candidate)
  • David Holbrechts: A practical application of Linguistic Steganography.
  • Navid Vafaei: An opinion text summarization approach with unsupervised domain adaptation. Daily Supervisor: Dr. Salima Lamsiyah


  • Keerthana Murugaraj:Automated Summarization of Historical Texts (working title, in progress). Supervisor. Daily Supervisor: Dr. Salima Lamsiyah
  • Natsumi Shokida (with U Montreal) : Topical evolution of gender studies (in progress; Defence: 14 October 2022). Supervisor.
  • Aishwarya Krishnan: Design of a Chatbot for the SES Service-Now knowledge base (with SES Astra). Supervisor.
  • Léo Hillah: MOIEN: Moving English to Luxembourgish with Seq2Seq Networks. Supervisor.
  • Dastan Kasmamytov: Analysis of Open-Source Chatbot Architectures:Chirpy-Cardinal and Rasa.Master Thesis at FU Berlin. January 2022 (Supervisor).


  • Yann Hoffmann: Reinforcement Learning for Autonomic Computing applied mostly to optimizing streaming engines within Talkwalker. Co-Spervisor.
  • Lucas Souza Romao: Analyzing skill networks of the European labor markets. Reviewer.
  • Pin Zhu. Alternating Minimization Methods for efficient training of (Deep) Neural Network’s parameters (Supervisor; with IEE)
  • Trang Thi Huyen Trang HOANG: Detecting Attacks against Telecom Networks with Deep Learning (Supervisor; with Post, Luxembourg)


  • Rudrani Sharma: Building up Explainability of Multilayer Perception Neural Tetwork (with POST Luxembourg; Supervisor).
  • Sebastien Valenne: From text to knowledge: Generating a knowledge graph from JIRA tickets and emails (Reviewer).
  • Peter Hennen: Retailer Order Prediction Model with Market Basket Analysis (Supervisor).
  • Mei Peng: Knowledge Transfer: from synthetic data to real data (with IEE; Supervisor).
  • Anna Felix: Sentiment, RTL News Messages, Project STRIPS (working title; Supervisor)
  • Ze Wang: Deep Learning, Speech, and Parkinson (working title; Supervisor)
  • Jingjing XU: Graph-based Mining (working title; Reviewer)
  • Rosita Gerbo, University Torino (Erasmus Student): Master thesis in the field about Psychology and AI, for example a chatbot simulating sadness (working title; Supervisor)


  • Sadi Nasib: Real-time Streaming Detection of Anomalous Taxi Driving Behaviour (Reviewer)
  • Plarent Haxhidauti: Guided Inductive Logic Programming (Reviewer).
  • Doni Endringer: ADvanced Content Analysis for Web pages in Apache Spark (Reviewer).
  • Catia Mano Ferreira: Crafting Conversational Agents' Personality in a User-Centric Context (Supervisor).
  • Elisabeth Joy: Similarity Search in RTL Documents and Commentaries based on Sentiments (Supervisor).
  • Laurent Grober: Fake News Detection System driven by Belief Revision (Supervisor).
  • Ramya Ramamurthi: An Enhanced Chatbot with Character-based Associative Memories (Supervisor).
  • Maya Olszewski: Exploring Permissions in In/Output (Reviewer).


  • Elida Van Nierop: Improving LDA Topic Modelling Using Word Embeddings Applied to a Corpus of User Commentary (Supervisor)
  • Rik Lamesch: Topic Modelling and Sentiment Analysis: Analysing a Corpus of User Commentary (Supervisor)
  • Bharati Vijayakumar: Exploring Formative Feedback Using Quizbot (Supervisor).
  • Soumya Ramakrishna: Computing Emotions and Sentiment Analysis in Luxembourgish News and Forums (Supervisor).
  • Yaqiong Zheng: Detecting and Incorporating Emotions in a Chatbot (Supervisor)
  • Simon Bandella: Learning a Distance Function for Symbols and Evaluating their Performances on Historic Maps (Supervisor).
  • Mike Pereira Goncalves: Machine Learning Approaches for Collaborative Context-Aware Mobile Learning (co-Supervisor).
  • Lucian Trestioreanu: Holographic Visualization of Radiology Data and Automated Machine Learning-based Medical Image Segmentation (co-Supervisor).
  • Mihail Antonov Tachev: Comparative Study of Machine Learning Techniques for Subfound Classification (Reviewer).
  • Mike Pereira Goncalves: Machine Learning Approaches for Collaborative Context-aware Mobil Learning (Reviewer).
  • Lucian Trestioreanou: Holographic Visualization of Radiology Data and Automated ML-Based Image Segmentation (Reviewer).


  • Yan Medernach: Teammate and opponent recognition for Luxembourg United Deep learning approach in the autonomous robot football (Supervisor).
  • Claudio Cimarelli: Improving cooperation game for robot soccer competitions using machine learning techniques applied to dynamic role assignment (Supervisor).
  • Maciej Zurad: Deep Convolutional Neural Network for 6-DOF Image Localization (Reviewer).


  • Kristjan Kelt: Vision-based human detection for aerial images (2016; Reviewer).
  • Ian Muller: Design and Implementation of Web Services for Multiple criteria sorting and ranking (2016, Reviewer).


  • Tahereh Pazouki: Puzzle Solution Verification and Data Mining: A Journey from Geometry and Visual Spatial Math Puzzles to Touch Based Applications (Reviewer).
  • Raphael Sirres: Resolving the Vocabulary Mismatch Problem in Free-Form Code Search - A GitHub Search Engine (Reviewer).
  • Aikaterini Karanasiou: Medical Text Mining using Supervised Machine Learning for the Recognition of Drugs and Disorders (Supervisor)
  • Alain Pfeiffer: Generating cloze key-distractor pairs from texts. University of Luxembourg (Supervisor)
  • Zohreh Baniasadi: Machine Ethics in utiltarian-based Deontic Logic (Reviewer).


  • Rahmi Emre Ocakdan: Implementation of k-Anonymity to protect sensitive data. University of Luxembourg (Supervisor)
  • Cristina Ghet: Preserving innocence and traps perspective in linguistic steganography. University of Luxembourg (Supervisor)


  • Diana Marosin: Changing Enterprise Architectures: Abstract Framework, Revision Procedures and Algorithms. University of Luxembourg (Reviewer)
  • Paul Bicheler:A toolkit for table-based tangible widgets. University of Luxembourg (Reviewer)


  • Sergio Sousa Intention Detection for BCI-controlled Robots. University of Luxembourg. 2011 (Supervisor)
  • Francois Beckius: A Method for Closed-Loop Brain-Computer-Interface Training Using a 14-Channel EEG. University of Luxembourg (Supervisor)


  • Ronny Heinz: Do you know who you are - using scientific paper abstracts for author profiling. University of Luxembourg (Supervisor)


  • Damien Garot: The n-tier Interactional and Pro-active Architecture of a SCORM Compliant Learning Management System. University of Luxembourg (Reviewer)


  • Cailing Dong: Text Mining and Characterization of Bibliographic Communities. University of Luxembourg. (Supervisor)
  • Naipeng Dong: A Fingerprint Engine for Author Profiling. University of Luxembourg. (Supervisor)
  • Yafang Wang: Associative Mind-maps for Trust Modeling. University of Luxembourg. (Supervisor)
  • Claudine Brucks: Semantic Network Learning from Textual Streams. University of Luxembourg. (Supervisor)
  • Cynthia Wagner: CoZo+: A framework for Content Zoning of Text Streams. University of Luxembourg. (Supervisor)
  • Sviatlana Danilava: Attitude Mining zur Erkennung von Modalitaeten.. University of Luxembourg and Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main. (Reviewer)
  • Jun Ma. University of Luxembourg. (Reviewer).
  • Jayanta Poray. University of Luxembourg. (Reviewer)


  • Gerard de Melo. Adaptive Multilingual Text Classification using Ontologies Goethe-University Frankfurt/M.. 2007. (Co-Supervisor)
  • Jasmin Dzaferovic. University of Frankfurt. 2007 (Co-Supervisor).
  • Ejikeme Uzoghukwu: Adaptive Netting in Data Streams. University of Luxembourg. 2007 (Supervisor).
  • Conny Uhde: Untersuchungen zur Autorenprofilierung in Texten mit Hilfe eines Clusteringansatzes. . University of Luxembourg and JW Goethe University. 2007. (Supervisor)

Before 2005 (UL's Master program MICS started in 2005)

  • Patrick Duessel: Grid-Mining for Association Rules. University of Potsdam. 2005. (Co-Supervisor).
  • Jihua Xun: Evaluierung von Java-Parsern. JW Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main. 2004. (Co-Supervisor)
  • Sun Qin : Integration manueller Kategorisierungsregeln in die automatische Kategorisierung im Text Mining (IBM Laboratory and Goethe-University Frankfurt/M. 2003 (Co-Supervisor).
  • Silvia Burst: Erweiterung eines Mining-Szenario fuer die Analyse von Marktdaten nach WpHG Paragraph 9. Goethe-University Frankfurt/M., IBM Laboratory, Boeblingen, and BAFin - Bundesamt fuer Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht. 2003. (Co-Supervisor)
  • Henry Helff: Analyse des TV-Sehverhaltens fur Database Marketing. Goethe-University Frankfurt/M. Ogilvy & Mather. 1999. (Supervisor)
  • Sascha Slomka: Adaptive Analyse von Finanzdaten mit Regelsystemen. Goethe-University Frankfurt/M. and Gesellschaft fuer Zahlungssysteme. 1999. (Supervisor)
  • Anja Kreis: Anwendung von Data Mining im Wirkstoffdesign. Goethe-University Frankfurt/M. and Bayer, Leverkusen. 1998. (Supervisor)
  • Sascha Kaufmann: TS-SOM: Segmentierung mit selbstorganisierenden Karten am Beispiel von Telekommunikationsdaten. Goethe-University Frankfurt/M. and AT&T, Frankfurt/Main. 1998. (Supervisor)
  • Jochen Schmidt: Korrelationsanalyse von Musterclustern in Zeitreihendaten Goethe-University Frankfurt/M. and Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt/Main. 1998. (Supervisor)
  • Michael Hopf: Anwendung von Data Mining/Knowledge Discovery im Naturstoff Screening (Goethe-University Frankfurt/M. and Aventis, Frankfurt/Main. 1998. (Supervisor)
  • Michaela Pfeifer: MP-KLASS: Ein interaktives Data Mining-Werkzeug zur Entscheidungsfindung innerhalb eines Krankenhausinformationssystems (Goethe-University Frankfurt/M. and SMS, Eschborn. 1997. (Supervisor)
  • Matthias Stemmler: STLearn: Ein Data Mining-Werkzeug zur Klassifikation von Daten mit Hilfe eines baumorientierten Lernverfahrens. Goethe-University Frankfurt/M. 1996. (Supervisor)
  • Isabel Scheiding: Modellierung von HyTime Architectural Forms als Grundlage fuer das Annotieren strukturierter Dokumente. Goethe-University Frankfurt/M Co-supervision. 1996. (Supervisor)
  • Joachim Birken: Entwicklung einer Programmierschnittstelle für repetierenden Betrieb auf einer assoziativen Datenflussarchitektur. Goethe-University Frankfurt/M Co-supervision. 1994. (Supervisor)
    and many undergraduate students performing their Bachelor-Theses (BINFO, BICS).